Feetal Postitions 2010-2017
What started out as an intense feeling of itchy feet has led to a series of sculptures acknowledging feet and legs. They symbolise many things in our culture such as how you move forward and make progress in your life. Many religions see the sole as a point of contact with the divine or soul. We can take a stand and stand up for ourselves, we can accomplish great feats or we can have both feet on the ground. We may have a foot fetish. They are also a popular site for tattoos where the individual chooses a design which expresses a belief or an important event in their life. However, their most important attribute is their ability to feel and sense where we are on our path in life.
A natural progression from these forms is hands and arms. Two of these works explore a hybridity of sculpture and poetry. The text follows the shape of the arms, like a tattoo, displaying deep seated, private feelings to the external world. Integrating my poetry into my visual creative practice embodies a synthesis of self.